PLEASE NOTE: This survey is intended for families who have been registered for a 10 week Ms. Clara’s Mini Musicians class, anytime from 2011 – present. Thank you so much for your participation! Community survey What is your zip code?* Have you or your child made a friend in class that you had not previously met?* Yes No HiddenHave you spent time outside of class with this friend(s), such as a playdate at a park, going to lunch, etc.? Yes No Not sure Have you visited any of the following establishments with someone you met in your child's music class? (Either with the kids or without.) Check all that apply. Mary's Morning Mix-Up Broadway Pancake House Burger Antics The Little Owl Brookfield Ale House / Sebastian's Barone's Pizza Brookfield Zoo Tony's Family Restaurant other (please list below) Please list any other places in Brookfield that you have visited with a friend from class that I did not list above. HiddenHave you visited and/or made a purchase at For the Birds (9207 Broadway Ave.)? I have visited, and I did make a purchase. I have visited, but I did not make a purchase. I have not yet visited For the Birds. Were you aware of For the Birds prior to joining our music classes? Yes No Not sure Parent name (optional) First Last Email (optional) Δ Category: UncategorizedBy Clara D'OnofrioApril 1, 2019Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Privacy PolicyNextNext post:4th of July Parade